Many businesses spend a lot of money on advertising and promotions. Maybe too much. Others spend nothing but would probably benefit if they did. Lets take a quick look at what a Mobile app development company & Website designcan offer, and compare that to other forms of advertising:
For a cost of $250.00 you could probably advertise like this:
Mobile app development company Guwahati
You’ll probably get a small advert, with visibility restricted to the region of the newspapers publication. Used the very next day for lighting the fire. Repeat the process (and cost) on a daily/weekly basis?
Similar to newspaper, but visible for a little longer before the magazine is thrown out with the rubbish. Repeat process (and cost) weekly/monthly?
A few 20-sec ads on local radio. Forgotten by the end of the next song? Repeat the process (and cost) daily/weekly?
For $250?
Forget it!
Mobile app development company delhi
Your website
In-depth, full-colour website, complete with you business logo, map to your location, pricing information, and product photographs. Visible 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to a world-wide audience. No repeat costs except for hosting charges from as little as $20/month and perhaps the odd Mobile app development company & Website designupdate.
The Internet is a very powerful source of advertising, promotion and reference for you and your customers. And as the table above indicates, there is not really any other form of media that can offer such quality, detailed, long-term, and economic advertising to such a huge audience. One of the key points from above is the requirement to fork out for repeat advertising costs with all forms of media except websites. A newspaper or radio ad will need repetition, and that costs! Most websites on the other hand, only requires updating very occasionally.
App development in gwalior
Why can a Mobile app development company & Website designwork as a form of advertising and promotion?
Here’s the key: with a website, your customers will be looking for you, searching for a Mobile app development company & Website designwhich offers a product or service which meets their requirements. With other forms of advertising you are looking for them.
Lets say you own a tourist resort. To promote it you may be playing radio ads, but the majority of the audience are people not even remotely interested in your product - doesn’t that seem like a waste of time and money?
On the other hand, the people who look at your Mobile app development company & Website designwill generally have found it through what is called a “search engine” - they are actually looking for your product! That’s like having a radio station with an audience of only people who are looking for information on tourist resorts!
Summing up, you can have a website, complete with domain name and hosting from just $140 (development) + $10 per month (hosting) and around $50 per year (domain name). Any further work or non-minor alterations are charged at just $30.00/hour.
Website design company
And also you should know.....
We offer free consultation while your Mobile app development company & Website designis being developed and/or hosted.
We can scan (convert to computer format) your photographs and logo for your Mobile app development company & Website designand add them to your pages for no extra charge.
Simply supply us with a brochure or marketing information and we’ll develop a site for you, based on that information.
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